12 things that every girl should be able to do

We constantly want something from there from men and compile various lists of the qualities we need. And what do men want from us? Of course, in view of the widespread feminization and emancipation, more and more women wanted to sneeze at men's requests: according to the principle "you need - you do." The Red Lips Journal has become confused and has compiled for you a list of what every self-respecting girl must do for 18. So, we read, put pluses and are proud of ourselves!

1. To Cook

Of course, the ability to cook in an age of microwave ovens and semi-finished products somehow smoothly fades into the background. Advertising teaches us that you can buy ready-made pelmeni, get your hands on the flour and look at the husband who came from work with martyrdom: the mother's mother was tired. Even if you live alone, the ability to cook a special borsch or brew a juicy batter will add 100 points to your karma. Eating fast food - you become thicker and pimple, and constantly eating in restaurants - you become a bit poorer.

2. Ability to live with wolves and wolf-howl

That is, live alone. Just one: no mom, dad, boyfriend, girlfriend and sister. You just have to be able to do everything yourself: open cans, screw light bulbs, park a car, pay receipts, call plumbing. Of course, with a man, you can touchingly portray a "girl-girl" and clumsily poke a can opener with a can opener. But to take care of yourself, if necessary, is your sacred duty.

3. "I will somehow survive a day without you ..."

And on the second I shall go on the ground to search. What are we talking about? Yes, about make-up! Any self-respecting girl should always be ready, as a pioneer, in case of acute need to live a day without full make-up. Just imagine: you went to the nature with an overnight stay, and you pull with you primers, shimmers, concealers, artificial eyelashes and palettes of shadows. Learn to love your face without make-up, take care of the skin and do not hesitate sometimes to go out into the street with a "naked" face.

4. "I'll take your picture ..."

A real girl just does not have the right to go bad in a photo! What have you been given years of hard training? Of course, to spin in front of a mirror, remembering successful poses. To understand that the hands are better not to press the body, pull the stomach, straighten the shoulders, press the tongue to the sky. Yes, and never try to make a sexy, pensive face with half-open lips. And then you'll have a long time scandal with a friend who tagged you in the photo, and demand "to remove this squalor from the network, where I look like a nailed fatty whitened squirrel."
"Complimentally, Watson!"

It's amazing how many girls do not like themselves and do not know how to accept compliments with dignity. Remember that you usually answer "wow, look great!". You agree to prove that this is just lighting, a parade of planets, a worldwide conspiracy, and in fact you have recovered by 5 kg, and in general the pimple jumped up. A true lady will take a compliment with dignity and even add: "Why, I'm not just looking good today, I'm permanently a Goddess!"

6. "Understand, forgive and let go"

To her own, even if she is 18, a smart girl should stop taking offense at trifles, playing silently, concealing unspoken claims. It is high time to learn how to clearly formulate your discontent, admit your mistakes, if necessary, sincerely ask for forgiveness. And if you forgive and say "okay, let's go" - to pass and not return to the problem, so as not to turn into a girl-saw.
7. Simplicity is worse than stealing

This is my favorite-prelibimaya phrase, and it fits really to any situation. It's possible to be simple at 15 years old, but not to 30. Even the most beautiful face, spewing out of its miracle mouth a nonsense and senseless stream of consciousness, will quickly lose all admirers. In our time the girl simply must be intelligent, educated and constantly raise her intellectual level. Invest in your education - and you will never lose.
8. Choose me!

A girl with brains and with a twist (and you are just such, do not even doubt it!) Necessarily knows how to choose shoes and clothes. As they say, the appearance that you have in 18 years is a merit of nature, and what you see in the mirror closer to 30 is completely your merit. Or "unmerited". The ability to look like a queen even in a simple black turtleneck, of course, not everyone is given, but you can not learn how to stumble on high stiletto heels, like a wounded ostrich. A sad impression is made by a girl who does not find her style and tries to imitate logs blindly.
9. Laughter prolongs life

Including laughing at yourself. The girl is witty, capable of self-irony and not taking herself too seriously, always wins. Leave an animal grin of seriousness for office meetings, and in ordinary life learn to cheer fun and just as cheerfully answer the podkoly.
10. Is there a warrior in the field?

Yes! And you, finally, must understand that you and one can have a good time, have fun and develop. If now you have a "lonely" period in your life, and "all girlfriends in pairs until the morning wandered off" - this is not an excuse to lie on the sofa with a mournful face. You in itself are already an interesting and self-sufficient person who can at least in the movies, at least in sports, at least in the pool, even in a round-the-world journey riding on an elephant.
11. "You do not know how to drink - do not drink!"

But you must learn in your own years and mix cocktails that are more interesting than screwdrivers, and do not get drunk with one glass. Know your measure so that from mysterious beauty with a wine card in your hands you can not turn into a drunken girl who creates lawlessness.
12. "money, money, money ..."

If you have not yet learned how to count money, it's time! Stopping, stopping to perceive money, like colored garbage spit out by the ATM every month. People manage to survive for a month for a salary, and also to postpone for a rest period.


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